How Do Scholarships Work? Understanding the Scholarship Application Process — with FAQs answered!

When you’re looking for colleges to apply to, what’s one of the most common factors you look at before you apply? Tuition. If college tuition is expensive, students might be steered away from applying. However, a scholarship application makes it easier for any and all students to be awarded money toward their tuition, books, room and board, and more. We’re breaking down the most commonly asked scholarship questions and why you need to keep these on your radar in your search.

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Meet Ijeoma Asonye: Athlete, Design Specialist, Going Merry Scholarship Winner

Ijeoma won $5,000 with Going Merry’s 2019 Best All Around Superlative Scholarship by submitting a winning scholarship video. She’s currently studying Mechanical Engineering, and plans to continue to be involved in sports and other activities while attending college. We asked Ijeoma to share her scholarship tips for future scholarship applicants, and she shared her scholarship success story with us!

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Top 12 Scholarship Websites to Find Money for College

There are so many college scholarship websites on the internet, and it’s hard to know which are worth using. Which can you afford? Which have easy-to-use mobile apps? Which have the most scholarship money available to students like you? We’ve answered these questions and more to eliminate the guesswork. Here, we cover the 13 best scholarship websites for higher education.

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Meet Daniel Gill: Expressive Art Specialist, Going Merry Scholarship Winner

After submitting his winning essay application for the 2019 Going Merry Most Unique Scholarship, Daniel won $1,000 to help fund his education. He’s studying the Early Childhood Special Education Masters and Credential program to strengthen his educational puppetry skills so he can continue to help young children with Autism. We asked Daniel to share his scholarship essay tips for future scholarship applicants, and he shared his scholarship success story with us!

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Scholarship Winner Spotlight: Jesús Adrian Arroyo-Ramirez

Jesús reflected on an early obstacle that fueled his drive to graduate first in his class with a semester’s worth of college credits. Jesús is on his way to become the first in his family to graduate from an American university for what he says will set an example for his own family in the future. We asked Jesús to share tips for future scholarship applicants, and he shared his scholarship success story with us!

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AP Credits: How do I use my AP test scores for college credit to graduate early?

Taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses to earn AP credits might just help you save money and graduate college early. According to U.S. News and the College Board, more than 2.6 million high school students in 2016 alone took 4.7 million AP exams. That’s double the number of students and tests taken 10 years ago! By transforming your AP test scores into college credit, you could get a head start on college and even graduate early (in other words: pay less tuition). The question with AP credits is: how does it work, and where do you start?

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Winner Spotlight: John Flowers Jr. on writing his scholarship essay on personal growth

John reflected on his eagerness to learn since a young age, and how the sky was never the limit for him. He’s now on his way to a four-year university, setting an example for his younger siblings. We asked John to share tips for future scholarship applicants, and he shared his scholarship success story with us!

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How to compare colleges, to make your target college list – with the best safety schools and reach schools suited for you!

Every student deserves to apply to his or her dream school. But how do you narrow down a list of solid choices to apply to when there are so many options out there? And how do you make sure you also apply to some “realistic” colleges, to make sure you get into at least one? We’re walking you through the steps to simplify creating your list of colleges to apply to.

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What’s a winning scholarship essay look like? Check out this Going Merry success story with Gabby DeMott

The scholarship application required an essay answering the following prompt: “Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.” Writing this essay gave Gabby the opportunity to reflect on and write about her experience in Germany and what she took back with her when returning to America. Since she won big, we asked Gabby to share tips for future scholarship applicants, and she told us her scholarship success story!

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The CSS Profile vs. the FAFSA & EFC – What’s the difference?

You’re ready to start planning in paying college tuition. But why are there two financial aid forms: the FAFSA and the CSS Profile? How do you prioritize which to fill out? What’s the process? We’re breaking down the differences between the FAFSA and the CSS Profile, from applications to deadlines, and everything in between.

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How to write a winning scholarship essay about your academic goals

Have you ever opened up a scholarship application only to find that you have to write yet ANOTHER scholarship essay, this time about your academic goals? We get it. There’s a lot of writing involved when you’re applying! Well, we’re here to guide you through your academic goals essay, with scholarship essay tips and a template. We’ve even got a surprise for you at the end that will save you time on your scholarship applications.

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A guide to writing the best personal statement for your college application (with template and examples!)

Why is boasting about a best friend SO much easier than writing about yourself? Unfortunately, writing about yourself is exactly what a personal statement essay requires you to do–whether it’s for your college admissions application, or for a scholarship application to pay for college. Here’s our guide, to ensure you’re well-equipped to write a killer personal statement!

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How to ask for a letter of recommendation for your college app

Would you purchase anything on Amazon before reading the reviews? We rely heavily on other people’s opinions to form our opinions or to back up our existing thoughts. In the same way, colleges want to know what other people think about you, so a letter of recommendation (LOR) boosts your personal and academic validity. Your letter of recommendation (also known as a “reference letter”), is a personal review that helps persuade colleges that you’re the right fit for them. But where do you start in requesting a letter of recommendation? Let’s break it down.

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Impressive Scholarships for Students in Illinois for 2025

Do scholarship applications make you look like a white-tailed deer in the headlights? Don’t worry – we’ve got your back on this one! We like to make searching and applying for scholarships in Illinois easy.

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