20 Scholarships for High School Seniors

Student loan debt can be a serious burden when you’re new in your career and trying to build a life for yourself. The good news is that there are many types of financial aid that could dramatically reduce your debt before you even start college. Scholarships are one of them. Some people assume that college scholarships are just for current college students, but high school students are eligible to apply for many awards. In fact, all 25 scholarship programs on this list are geared specifically toward graduating high school seniors. Start applying now to begin your college career on the right foot.

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Can You Use Scholarship Money for Anything? Tips, Examples, Common Mistakes

The cost of college has soared over 180% in the past forty years. With tuition, room and board, books, and other education-related expenses, it can feel like expenses are never-ending. Thankfully, there are numerous scholarship programs to help you afford higher education. If you’ve applied to any of them, you’re probably wondering: Can I use scholarship money for anything? The answer is a bit complicated. But we’re here to help you make sense of it all. It’s worth noting that many awards will be paid directly to your college or university. For the others that come straight to you, check out the tips below to help decipher different scholarship rules.

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18 Types of Scholarships You’ll Find on Going Merry

A lot of students assume that if you’re not a straight-A, gold-star, super athlete, you won’t qualify for college scholarships. Fortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Colleges need all kinds of students — which means there are scholarship opportunities that cater to a vast range of interests and backgrounds. Going Merry is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly scholarship platforms out there. To give you a sense of that variety, we’ve put together this guide to the 18 different types of scholarships we offer.

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20 Scholarships for Students from Single-Parent Households

For single-parent families that only have one income, educational costs can represent an especially significant burden. Fortunately, there are a number of high-quality scholarships that provide financial assistance to students raised by single moms, dads, or other single guardians. To qualify for many of these single-parent scholarships, you’ll need to complete the free application for federal student aid (FAFSA®) and calculate your expected family contribution (EFC) to your college education. Not sure how to begin? Use our custom tools to figure out your EFC and answer the FAFSA®’s trickiest questions. Then sign up for Going Merry to find even more scholarships specifically for you.

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How to answer “Why do you deserve this scholarship?” essay prompt (with examples!)

When you’re applying for scholarships, you’ll see tons of different essay prompts. Two of the most common are “Why do you deserve this scholarship?” or its variant “Why are you applying for this scholarship?” While these might seem like intimidating questions, don’t overthink them! These are straightforward questions that you can easily answer. Here’s how.

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17 Community Service Scholarships and Grants for 2025

Over 60.7 million adults volunteered with an organization in 2022, according to the Volunteering in America Report. But whether you’re a student collecting hours to graduate high school or volunteering for fun, this list of community service scholarships can help reward you for doing good. Of course, if you want to see even more scholarships, sign up for Going Merry to get a list of hundreds of scholarships that you’re eligible for. We match you to the best scholarships for your unique profile.

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17 Scholarships for Students in North Dakota in 2024

With at least twenty-one colleges and universities in this midwestern state, students flock to North Dakota institutions to further their education. Here are 18 scholarships in North Dakota that can help you get started with your college career.

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18 Mississippi College Scholarships in 2024

While the average tuition for Mississippi’s public and private colleges is lower than the nation’s average ($6,612 for public and $15,042 for private), every bit of financial support helps! Check out these Mississippi college scholarships that you can apply for today. 

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24 Graduate School Scholarships for All Types of Students

There’s no doubt that obtaining a college education can open a world of possibilities and new opportunities, but what about graduate school? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average worker with a postgraduate degree earns 18 to 44% more than someone with just an undergraduate degree. Of course, grad school isn’t cheap, and student loans can put a serious ding in a post-grad-school pay raise. That means that for most graduate students, scholarships can be a critical piece of the funding puzzle — and the key to unlocking higher earning potential and a more rewarding career.

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16 Study Tips for College: Building good study habits to succeed

College is an exciting and life-changing experience. It may be the first time you’ll be living on your own, and it’s a fantastic opportunity to make friends, meet new people, and learn about your interests both personally and professionally. However, adjusting to college life can be overwhelming – and figuring out a solid study routine is no exception! Take a look at these study tips for college to help you succeed.

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6 Awesome Scholarship Essays That Worked

When it comes to paying for college, scholarships are the best form of financial aid, since they offer students free money that never needs to be repaid. But let’s face it: completing scholarship applications, especially the essays, can feel overwhelming. The scholarship essay is arguably the most important part of the application and should be well-thought-out. In this article, we’ll walk  through five scholarship essay examples and explain why they worked, so that you can write your own winning scholarship essays.

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How To Find and Apply For Scholarships: A Step-by-Step Guide

Students can expect to pay around $9,970 per year for a public university and $34,740 per year for a private university. One of the best ways to ease the pain of college tuition is earning scholarship awards. Learning how to apply for scholarships can save you a ton of money on tuition, plus it can help you feel more confident going into your college career!

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How Do Scholarships Work? Understanding the Scholarship Application Process — with FAQs answered!

When you’re looking for colleges to apply to, what’s one of the most common factors you look at before you apply? Tuition. If college tuition is expensive, students might be steered away from applying. However, a scholarship application makes it easier for any and all students to be awarded money toward their tuition, books, room and board, and more. We’re breaking down the most commonly asked scholarship questions and why you need to keep these on your radar in your search.

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Top 12 Scholarship Websites to Find Money for College

There are so many college scholarship websites on the internet, and it’s hard to know which are worth using. Which can you afford? Which have easy-to-use mobile apps? Which have the most scholarship money available to students like you? We’ve answered these questions and more to eliminate the guesswork. Here, we cover the 13 best scholarship websites for higher education.

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Scholarship Winner Spotlight: Jesús Adrian Arroyo-Ramirez

Jesús reflected on an early obstacle that fueled his drive to graduate first in his class with a semester’s worth of college credits. Jesús is on his way to become the first in his family to graduate from an American university for what he says will set an example for his own family in the future. We asked Jesús to share tips for future scholarship applicants, and he shared his scholarship success story with us!

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AP Credits: How do I use my AP test scores for college credit to graduate early?

Taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses to earn AP credits might just help you save money and graduate college early. According to U.S. News and the College Board, more than 2.6 million high school students in 2016 alone took 4.7 million AP exams. That’s double the number of students and tests taken 10 years ago! By transforming your AP test scores into college credit, you could get a head start on college and even graduate early (in other words: pay less tuition). The question with AP credits is: how does it work, and where do you start?

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A guide to writing the best personal statement for your college application (with template and examples!)

Why is boasting about a best friend SO much easier than writing about yourself? Unfortunately, writing about yourself is exactly what a personal statement essay requires you to do–whether it’s for your college admissions application, or for a scholarship application to pay for college. Here’s our guide, to ensure you’re well-equipped to write a killer personal statement!

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How to ask for a letter of recommendation for your college app

Would you purchase anything on Amazon before reading the reviews? We rely heavily on other people’s opinions to form our opinions or to back up our existing thoughts. In the same way, colleges want to know what other people think about you, so a letter of recommendation (LOR) boosts your personal and academic validity. Your letter of recommendation (also known as a “reference letter”), is a personal review that helps persuade colleges that you’re the right fit for them. But where do you start in requesting a letter of recommendation? Let’s break it down.

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Ready to find scholarships that are a match for you?